A MAZE. likelike Workshop

Screenshot of the lobby. The A MAZE. logo at the top, with 23 numbered exit doors to the participants' individual rooms.
Screenshot of the lobby. The A MAZE. logo at the top, with 23 numbered exit doors to the participants' individual rooms. One of the participants' rooms, depicting a disco in red, with mirror ball and speaker stacks. One of the participants' rooms, in isometric perspective, with a door on one wall and a painting on the other. One of the participants' rooms, with a checkerboard floor, and an alien in a spaceship beaming up a pink flamingo. All of which is being watched by another flamingo emerging from an orange portal. One of the participants' rooms, with the words 'A MAZEing hole' and an arrow pointing to a circular hole in the centre of the room, surrounded by balloons and potted plants. James' room, consisting of a large, floating cyan diamond and a door back to the lobby. My room, all in red, except a pair of eyes, a big white grin, and the text 'HI!''.

A workshop run for A MAZE. 2021 with James Morwood. This was a more expansive version of the GAIA likelike Workshop, again forming an introduction to building your own likelike gallery.