Incoming Tide

Screenshot of the poem in action, with the GPS trail the poem is based on in the background, and the following text centred in the middle of the screen, the previous lines fading out above it: 'I follow the diagonal line and branch off'
Screenshot of the poem in action, with the GPS trail the poem is based on in the background, and the following text centred in the middle of the screen, the previous lines fading out above it: 'I follow the diagonal line and branch off'

An online version/visualisation of Miek Zwamborn's poem Incoming Tide. The poem is based on Miek's tracing of the tide between Erraid and Mull as it rose from low to high tide.

Miek's GPS trace is visible in the background, while the text of the poem moves back and forth across the screen, similar to the moment-to-moment motion of the water.