
Screenshot of the software. Shows a horizontal node interface with the following nodes (from left to right): Audio Input, Midi Input, OSC (Open Sound Control) Input, File Player (sound-file player), NiallComb (a comb filter plugin I created), Level, and Audio Output.
Screenshot of the software. Shows a horizontal node interface with the following nodes (from left to right): Audio Input, Midi Input, OSC (Open Sound Control) Input, File Player (sound-file player), NiallComb (a comb filter plugin I created), Level, and Audio Output.

A VST (plus AudioUnit on OSX) plugin host designed for live use. Based on the JUCE 'audio plugin host' code, heavily modified to better suit my purposes.

Key Features:

Pedalboard2 is open source (GPL v3); the source code is included with both of the downloads.

Note: Because I still get the occasional email requesting bug fixes or improvements: I have not updated Pedalboard2 in years, and I have no intention to. I'm afraid I can't help you if you encounter any problems or bugs.

Download for Windows (4.87MB)

Download for OSX (5.41MB)