An alt ctrl game made for the Global Game Jam 2020. Two players race to build a monument out of playdough that connects to 4 separate metal contacts mounted on a rickety cardboard tower, taking advantage of the fact that playdough conducts electricity.
How it works:
At the start of the game both players are given a ball of coloured playdough. They then have to stack that playdough on top of a copper plate at the base of the tower, and connect it to 3 separate metal connections mounted at staggered positions on the tower.
Once they have connected their monument to all 3 connections, there are 2 further copper pads at the top of the tower, which they have to hold for 15 seconds in order to win (this is to prevent players winning with a tower that immediately collapses).
Neat details:
Playdough does not like to be stacked vertically; the game's difficulty comes almost entirely from the physical properties of the playdough.
Because both players are building on the same cardboard tower, they can sabotage their opponent by rocking the tower and causing their monument to come unstuck.