dream geography

Screenshot of the dream geography's title page, showing the text 'dream geography' and a link titled 'Today's dream'
Screenshot of the dream geography's title page, showing the text 'dream geography' and a link titled 'Today's dream' Screenshot of the Glasgow page on the site; a block of text followed by some links to other places

I tend to have (somewhat intermittently) recurring dreams, and I realised a while ago that the landscapes and places in my dreams seem to be consistent across entirely separate dreams. i.e. I have visited places in one dream that I previously visited in a different dream. And in the course of a single dream I have even travelled from locations I visited in that dream to locations I previously visited in an entirely separate dream.

dream geography is a record of those places I have visited in my dreams, with hyperlinks to document the connections between different places. The today's dream link will serve up a page chosen randomly based on the current date.